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Some Common Myths about Switching

Some Common Myths about Switching


Some Common Myths about Switching

Are you thinking about switching energy providers?
Do you think that it’s too awkward a job, too time consuming to do?
Are you concerned a new provider or plan isn’t worth it?
Are you fearful of having your supply interrupted?

These are all common misconceptions that affect people's decisions to switch provider which ultimately costs them money.

Here are some of the most common misconceptions when it comes to switching energy providers.

1. “Sure it isn’t really worth it, is it?”

Take a look for yourself:
According to the CRU (Commission for Regulation of Utilities), duel fuel Irish customers can save on average €425 every year by actively switching energy providers.

How is that even possible? Well it’s simple - energy providers offer amazing initial plans when switching to them but then jack you up to their standard higher rate once your 12 month plan ends. By switching every 12 months, you can remain on these amazing initial price plans.

Say you switch every 12 months for a period of four years - you could save anywhere between €704 - €1,696 from just switching your energy supplier!

See for yourself and switch now with WeSwitchU.ie

2. “It’s too difficult and time consuming”

It absolutely is isn’t!? Oh yes, we agree with you! We, ourselves, absolutely hated having to switch, going from one provider to the next trying to find the best deal for our homes, having hundreds of tabs open on our computer screens - it’s a right mess!
That’s why we created WeSwitchU. All you need to switch with us is your email address, m/gprn number and your meter reading. We can then find you the best plan for your home year after year and you have full control of which plan you want to pick.

See our amazing energy offers

3. "Some supplier's energy is better than others"

That’s not quite true actually, Electricity is electricity and gas is gas. No matter which provider you pick, it’s all the same stuff. It’s sold by different companies, that’s all! The only difference you will see is the energy supplier name on your bill plus a cheaper rate

Switch and save today

4. "You energy supply can be disrupted"

It can’t be and we won’t let it be. Once you’ve switched, it’s a 100% seamless process with no interruption to your power. You won’t be let go without power. Don’t you worry about that.

Let us do the hard work for you